Catálogo general VIH/sida

HIV-2 epidemic in Spain : challenges and missing opportunities
HIV type 2 (HIV-2) is a neglected virus despite estimates of 1-2 million people infected worldwide. HIV-2 is less efficiently transmitted than HIV-1 by sex and from mother-to-child. Although AIDS may develop in HIV-2 carriers, it takes longer than in HIV-1-infected patients. In contrast with HIV-1 infection, there is no global pandemic caused by HIV-2, remaining the virus largely confined to West Africa. In a less extent and due to socioeconomic ties and wars, HIV-2 is prevalent in Portugal and its former colonies in Brazil, India, Mozambique and Angola. Globally, HIV-2 infections are steadily declining over time. A total of 338 cases of HIV-2 infection had been reported at the Spanish HIV-2 registry until December 2016, of whom 63% were male. Overall 72% were Sub-Saharan Africans whereas 16% were native Spaniards. Dual HIV-1 and HIV-2 coinfection was found in 9% of patients. Heterosexual contact was the most likely route of HIV-2 acquisition in more than 90% of cases. Roughly one third presented with CD4 counts <200 cells/[mu]L and/or AIDS clinical events. Plasma HIV-2 RNA was undetectable at baseline in 40% of patients. To date, one third of HIV-2 carriers have received antiretroviral therapy, using integrase inhibitors 32 individuals. New diagnoses of HIV-2 in Spain have remained stable since 2010 with an average of 15 cases yearly. Illegal immigration from Northwestern African borders accounts for over 75% of new HIV-2 diagnoses. Given the relatively large community of West Africans already living in Spain and the continuous flux of immigration from endemic regions, HIV-2 infection either alone or as coinfection with HIV-1 should be excluded once in all HIV-seroreactive persons, especially when showing atypical HIV serological profiles, immunovirological disconnect (CD4 count loss despite undetectable HIV-1 viremia) and/or high epidemiological risks (birth in or sex partners from endemic regions).
MENDOZA, Carmen de; CABEZAS, Teresa; CABALLERO, Estrella; REQUENA, Silvia; AMENGUAL, María José; PEÑARANDA, María; SÁEZ, Ana; TÉLLEZ, Raquel; LOZANO, Ana Belén; TREVIÑO, Ana; RAMOS, José M.; PÉREZ, José Luis; BARREIRO, Pablo; SORIANO VÁZQUEZ, Vicente
Autoría institucional: Grupo Español para el Estudio del VIH-2 y HTLV-I/II
Autoría institucional: Grupo Español para el Estudio del VIH-2 y HTLV-I/II
Ficha bibliográfica
- Año de publicación:
- 2017
- Publicación:
- London : Current Science
- En :
- Número:
- Vol. 31, no. 10 (June 19, 2017) ,p. 1353-1364
- Formato:
- Artículo